Monday, October 28, 2019

Day 19 Hastings Reef Snorkel Adventure

Day 18 was prep and domestic chores. Day 19 was were the action is, so here tis.

Up at 545, big breakfast and off we go. Today's adventure takes us to two locations. The first is a small sand island called Michaelmas Cay where we got to practice using the gear before a snorkel tour - Em and Josh spotted a turtle on this tour. Then onto Hastings reef where we saw some deeper water and more interesting coral reefs.

Heading out to the reef we received all kinds of safety and educational talks. Once the stinger suits came out the kids were both excited and cautious.

 Relaxing on the deck while Em and Josh went off on a glass bottom boat tour

 This image was taken by Tom with the Go Pro after being picked up by the red zodiac after getting tired and cold on the reef.
Kids really enjoyed hanging out on the bow of the boat, especially when on the way out as we crashed through the waves. It was super special to stand at the front of the boat and hold on tight as we raced for over an hour across the ocean back to Cairns. This was Josh and Tom's favorite part of the day.

I took tonnes of video's - it was the first time we'd really put the Go pro into action. We spent last night reviewing the images from a day that was voted new best day on the trip - the weather conditions, boat and reef were just perfect. I was impressed with the quality of the footage from the go pro camera. Alas, most vids exceeded the maximum upload limit for this blog, so they have been extensively culled and trimmed.
 Sven, our captain, was all too happy to let Tom hop into the main chair at the helm. No actual wheel in the wheelhouse, just a tiny joystick mounted on the chair you can see Tom adjusting in this video.

 This was first go at putting on the gear on the sands of Michaelmas Cay

 I will admit I returned to the boat after this snorkel session with genuine wonder - today was magic. Unfortunately the boys got too cold. Tom used the zodiac back at Michaelmas Kay and Josh used it at Hastings Reef. It was a fantastic that they both tried and loved it as it is a big intimidating reef.

 Here's a tour of the boat which took 36 passengers. Its a multi level catamaran power by two Scania marine diesel engines, each producing approx 500hp, according to Sven its quick... Swedish engines for a Swedish skipper. 

Emma is now off to buy snorkel kits for every one, a new passion.

Its the end of the day and we're all a bit weathered. Its off to Sushi train. I've never seen the boys put away sooo much food, by the end we had two massive towers of plates... later that night we still had to go for more food. Huge day, great adventure and no melt downs - very proud of the family


  1. Glad you had a great day. Love the photos. Xx

  2. What an amazing day and what a fantastic experience for Tom and Josh. You must be so proud of their efforts.

  3. What a fantastic day! Living the dream....

  4. Cam and Emily - Looks like you had so much fun. The underwater glass boat sounds amazing. Great work driving the boat Tom.
