Saturday, December 7, 2019

Day 59- 61 Wet n Wild + travel to Sapphire Beach

Ok two theme parks down, time for a rest day. I always try to pic the best photo from the period for the first image. Em has an uncanny nack for taking the "cover shot" as I call it... The above image is a rare cover shot by me - Its our first venture onto Sapphire beach.

So what happened over these three days anyway? Here are less words than usual and more pics - im short of time (and energy)

REST DAY 59: Lazy morning, followed by 9 holes in the arvo with Josh. First day on the course for Josh and he did really well, in fact he's calling for a set of clubs from Santa - hello Gumtree.

WET n WILD, DAY 60: Don't think I can add much to these images, you know the score...

Here's Josh

And Tom - he's been wanting to have a go at one of these "waves" for some time

: On the way south from The gold coast we stopped in at Byron Bay. It was the place I proposed to Emma (by the lighthouse).The kids were totally uninterested in the romantic story, but they did enjoy a walk on the beach, shopping and gelato before we got back on the road.

Byron Bay shots

Sapphire beach is about 10 minutes north of Coffs Harbour. Toward the end of a long day on the road, we couldn't decide where to stay... until we drove past an enticing sign for Sapphire Beach. It looked great, sounded pretty, so we wearily rolled in for a closer look. And, we were rewarded with a sleepy little camp site practically on the beach and with a good looking pool.. Our fridge was empty after the van had been parked for 5 nights in the gold coast. The park attendant recommended a "cafe" about 300 meter walk down the beach. So after a suprise walk down the beach skimming rocks, we began to hear live music in the distance... Fantasic! So we enjoyed a tasty meal amidst, beer, and live soulful grooves while the kids left us for the park and zip line - geez we've fallen on our feet again with this spot, shame we cant stay longer.

There's a three piece band buried at the back of this shot, they really hit the spot - as did a well earned steak

This is actually a pic of the moon. Not a great iamge, but the smoke haze has been creating some curious moon images - last night the moon was bright... but not white.
Tomorrow its another 5 hour journey to Port Stephens. I previously wrote that we'd head to Tamworth. Due to the changing fire conditions, we scrapped that plan in favour of beach side towns. The route through the fire zones at this stage looks safest along the coast, unless of course if we headed west into central NSW, which is too far... And we've experienced that desolate zone already.


  1. Cam and Emily - Those wave rides look good, hope you didn't fall off the back too much!! The family tube slide looks amazing and maybe it was a bit scary for Emma having to go backwards.
    We had a hit of golf today - we some big shots and some small shots (when they we supposed to be big!!). Josh did very well.
    Walking along the beach looks nice.
    Cam - I would have played the wave dodging game with Tom if I was there.

  2. Sorry you are missing Tamworth but coast roads safer .The fires must be devastating for the communities nearby . Fabulous beach shots of you all. The adventures keep rolling on ... Expecting 38 degrees here today ,after a very mild start to summer. Safe travels .Love

  3. Your cover shot is a total winner (well done Mike). Its the picture of your bus and house on wheels pulled up on that delightfully grassy looking spot at sapphire Beach that has my attention - how picture perfect. The Beach itself also amazing, and since when does a stroll along the beach end up with a steak that looks so good - winning all around I'd say.
    Pictures and videos for wet and wild certainly do tell the story of a fun day had by all. Im with the kids on this one. Going backwards down any sort of slide would not be for my - Well done Em!!
    Golf swing is looking good Josh. Definitely a good one for the santa wish list. Cam has a little bag and a few clubs and we've been out a few times for a hit - We will have to get together for a stroll around few holes.
    Travel safe on your homeward journey please. xx
